Atlantis: Changing the environmental landscape one bounty a time
What really comes into your mind when you hear the term BOUNTIES? Well, yeah, if you are a gamer, then you might associate it with bounty hunting and getting money to capture prisoners…quite like a side mission right? Web3 has kept the whole idea behind bounties intact, and actually pays you just like a side mission!
The entire crypto DAO culture has given rise to a new form of work culture. It has brought back the landscape of freelancing, but with the vision of an equal pay structure. If you go through the history books, you will see that pay has always differed for people according to geographical locations…is that fair? A big NO in my books. Web3 has enabled payment based on skills, not on your place or stay. A big win for all of us!
So bounties can be of many types, but to keep it simple, I will point out the most common one for the non-technical crypto folks:
- Small Pay Bounty 💸: Writing a 250 words article, making a 1 min video, tweet relevant information for XP
- Big Pay Bounty 💰: Writing a deep dive essay on an industry, upcoming Web3 solution, beta-testing an upcoming app…more intensive in nature
Let me give you a prime example of how bounties work within a DAO culture
So basically, DAOs are Decentralised Autonomous Organisations within the Web3 space and since Web3 is all about being 1) Decentralised, 2) Permissionless & 3) Peer-to-Peer … the whole framework surrounding the distribution of work also relies on those three metrics heavily.
Keeping the above statement in mind, bounties in DAOs and Web3 as a whole are deployed by a project that would help create awareness about the cause. This enables a project to get high-quality content across the board and reward the winners in return for their contribution.
Bounties in Web3 brings back the culture of freelance work in a more sophisticated form. No more negotiations on pay and repeated follow-ups here. Moreover, bounties also enable a project to payout the rewards in the native tokens, thus enabling a user to get a taste of the project in its early life cycle!
Imagine being able to earn by supporting a cause you believe in! Sounds surreal, right? Well it’s no more a far-fetched reality, but it is happening as we speak. Atlantis aims to incentivise people around the World to complete environmental preservation bounties and earn when completing the task. That’s the beauty of the Web3 space, enabling the enablers!
Now that we are super clear about DAOs & Bounties in Web3, we will now take a look at once such opportunity brewing with Atlantis and how they aim to mobilise crypto-natives into earning while helping the environment. Let’s go…
Mission Statement of Atlantis 🌍:
So as a project, Atlantis is aiming to solve the energy footprint problem. Atlantis Co-founder, Irthu Suresh had a very intriguing tweet on this (image attached below)
Conserve what we have in hand before shifting our focus on something new
Climate change is a huge issue and people really don’t take much interest in it due to the advocates making it sound either too dark or too mundane. The vision Atlantis shares is to change the school-of-though and approach towards climate change. Reducing energy footprint should not come across as playing a shallow boss battle in the most boring video-game…it can also be done in a super awesome way without losing sight of the goal.
You see, we are so caught up with the whole noise around Metaverse, that we don’t even realise the amount of environmental damage that technology has brought along with it. No, we are in no way saying to ban technology and how people should abandon everything that runs on battery and electricity.
What we aim for is to be able to help enterprises to offset their emissions by creating climate bounties. These enterprises can also deploy bounties and have participants earn for completing the tasks. Sounds fun right. The aim here is to not make Climate Change sound like a Dystopia and scare everyone around us. Climate change is an issue, but it can be fun to learn about it and even better to earn by making an impact full change.
The whole framework around the same will be achieved through the Atlantis Network, which works by using the “proof-of-impact” mechanism.
At present, we have heard far too much noise with crypto projects and their false promises — but we need to be forward looking in our vision and start considering projects that are making real-world impact. Why? You see, crypto works in cycles and a bear market flushes out all the projects who came in with HUGE promises, but turned out to be nothing, but mere get-rich-quick-schemes. It is the projects that are working on solving actual existing problems that survive the cold and harsh crypto winter in the long-run.
If you are a believer in the need for us to reduce our energy footprint and also earn while at it, then please do connect with us through our socials linked below. We would love to have more believers onboard our mission to fight climate change, while making it a rewarding process!
Connect with us over on:
Originally published at on June 21, 2022.